6 de març 2012

Classroom turned club!

Last week in class, we turned our classroom into a nightclub... Well, we imagined that we did. We created a "dance floor" in the middle, dimmed the lights, and had music playing as we went out in search of our "ideal match". We were each handed information about our new identity (complete with a new name, phone number, birthday, profession, and hobbies). The person with the most similarities to you was your match! Some groups ended up as trios because we have more females in our class. In order to find our matches, we had to ask each other questions about our new identities utilizing the interrogative words and vocabulary that we've learned. Almost everyone was successful in finding their correct matches. Once we were all in our correct groups, we had to discuss the similarities between the pairs (or trios).

Some of the questions we used were:

Com et dius? - What is your name? (or more literally: How do you call yourself?)

Què t'agrada fer? - What do you like to do?

De què fas? - What do you do for a living?

On vius? -Where do you live?

Quants anys tens? - How old are you?

This was a great way to practice and review what we have learned so far this quarter!


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